“In his heart a man plans his course but the Lord determines his steps.”  Proverbs 16:9

Looking at the Word Press stats, I noticed that someone had typed in the search terms, “What am I suppose (sic) do (sic)?”  I found it extremely interesting that someone had that thought in their mind, and how they ended up at my site. The Internet seems to be the perfect extension of our thought-life, reaching out to sites from a few simple search terms.

So what am I supposed to do? Have you ever asked God? Of course you have. And what did He say?

Well, if you’re like me, there was probably a lot of silence, a lot of waiting, and a lot of wondering. Often, the wondering got blurred with doubt, so asking God what I was supposed to do ended up as, God, I doubt I should do this.

I know that it takes a lot of discipline to wait for God to act in your life. If you’re unemployed and you think you’re absolutely employable, waiting for HR managers to call can seem horrendously painful. What makes it worse is the fact that sometimes we can’t “hear.” Listening for God is an essential part of Christian life, but it doesn’t always involve an audible voice (I’ve never, ever had that happen…yet), or a miraculous sign (again, never happened to me). Sometimes it means prayerfully considering the situation, waiting, listening, and then trusting that God’s going to direct your steps as you take them.

I think it’s so clear in Scriptures to know that each step is from the Lord: “In his heart a man plans his course but the Lord determines his steps.”  Psalm 16:9 

Wondering which way to go? Pray. Ask your Christian friends. Read up on it. Mine the Bible. Pour out your considerations before God. And then step forward in faith, knowing that He’s got each and every one of your steps in His power.